<span style="color: rgb(62, 59, 59); font-family: " droid="" sans",="" "open="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 16px;="" background-color:="" rgb(255,="" 255,="" 255);"="">Your search is over! You have found the most affordable and versatile, full-featured toy hauler bunkhouse on the market! Why do we say bunkhouse? Because the Cherokee Wolf Pack is a toy hauler that converts to a bunkhouse in a matter of minutes. In fact, approximately half of Wolf Pack customers are bunkhouse buyers looking for more sleeping room and versatility in their unit. The Wolf Pack is not always a toy hauler or a bunkhouse. It is whatever you need it to be for the trip you are about to take. If your family likes to take a golf cart, motorcycles, ATV’s, bicycles, kayak’s, coolers, grills, firewood and all the other camping staples, but doesn’t like to take the second vehicle to get it there, look no further than the Wolf Pack! Versatility is the name of the game!